Your Body Keeps the Score
Sitting in front of the computer too much, over-extending in sports, past injuries...
Sudden losses, betrayal, rejections, other traumatic life experiences... ​
Even when you've moved past life's curve balls, you still feel like you don't have the gumption or energy to live your fullest potential.
You know you can do better for yourself, your loved ones, and the world around you.
Work with Grace to release the pain and tension in your body, mind, and spirit so that LOVE, JOY, PEACE, MIRACLES ARE YOUR WAY OF LIFE.
Self-care that Empowers Your Life
Hello, I'm Grace
Your guide to Personal Transformation
Things to do, places to go, time flying by, waking up tired, coping with injuries, repeating the cycle. Even when you have downtime, you're so keyed up it takes you a long time to let the tension go. That was me, a stressed-out type-A professional in tech coping with scoliosis, an immigrant from a repressed culture overdoing everything to prove my worth. The pressure did a number on my body, and it sucked the life out of me. But I'm also blessed with more than a fair share of amazing healers, yoga teachers, and a personal interest in healing and bodywork. It took years of studies to undo a lifetime of self-abuse to my body, to re-align my temple with my mind and spirit so I can do what I'm meant to do - pay forward my blessings to FREE YOU from struggles. A yogini since 2000, teaching since 2015, a bodyworker and breathwork facilitator too. I am your guide to releasing pain and anxiety at all levels so you can live your best life. I know how to remove layers of tension and stress, how to take you from feeling tight to feeling great, how to calm your nervous system down with breath, how to align you to a flow state so YOU can live your potential with LOVE, JOY, and PEACE.